Mom went out last night with her Torah study group. When I put you to bed and turned your light off, it may have been 10 seconds before you came down the stairs to tell me you had a nightmare. Me, being the smart dad, figured you really didn't have a nightmare. So when you asked if you could go sleep in our bed, I immediately told you to go ahead. Not having Mom around is a scary thing, agreed.
When Mom and I finally went upstairs to go to sleep, she tried to pick you up but you weren't making it easy. She asked me if we should just go with a "Joe Sandwich" which meant leaving you in the middle of our bed. But you know what, you're getting big and there really isn't room for you and Mom and me in our bed.
So Mom finally wrestled you to the edge and was barely able to pick you up to take you into your room. I asked her if I could do it, but she insisted she was okay. It looked like your feet were dragging on the floor on the way down the hall. You sack of potatoes!
Whenever you need to escape the nightmares, our room is there for you. But in a little while you may find yourself waking up in the morning there alone. Mom and I will have to find somewhere else to sleep 'cause there will be no room for us on our bed and you'll be too big to "relocate."